Poststraße 4, 07356 Bad Lobenstein
If you have any questions, you can reach us by telephone on: +4936651/ 134149
We look forward to your call.
Travelling by car:
Take the A9 motorway to exit 29 Bad Lobenstein. Turn right onto the B 90 in the direction of Bad Lobenstein. After 12 km turn off in the direction of Bad Lobenstein - Hirschberger Straße - turn left onto Straße der Jugend - turn right at the traffic lights into Poststraße. Then immediately turn right to the railway station.
From 04.11. to 15.11.2024, the direct access via the Bad Lobenstein/B90 exit will be closed from 08:00 to 18:00 due to recovery work on the Saaldorf bridge.
Please use exit 28 Schleiz in the direction of Saalburg/ Bad Lobenstein.
Travelling by bus and train:
Both stops are right on our doorstep.
by bus: to the service centre
by train: to the service centre
We are currently unable to provide our own car parking spaces. However, there are plenty of free car parks in the immediate vicinity. Please contact us in this regard.
Your bike can be parked in the bike room or in the basement of our house.